Tweedy comic started at Coppice Farm Primary School during 2020. A group of boys: Owen Cooling, Matteo Kear, Ibrahim Sharif and Rayyan Qureshi all got together one indoor break and decided to start a comic. At first it was named Tweeby but they soon decided to change it to its used name Tweedy.
When you purchase this comic you are supporting four 10 year old boys dream of starting there own comic. Who knows where our futures may end up, but the future will be a lot brighter with your support.
The current team Owen, Ibrahim, Matteo, Finn would like to thank you for taking the time to look at our advert and a huge thank you if you click purchase.
Tweedy Issue 1 came out in March 2021.
We continue to work as a great team creating comics for you to enjoy at Tweedy HQ in Nottingham UK.
Remember that in Nottingham you will find the Tiny villige of Tweedyville!